Monday, September 14, 2020

What determines air travel versus ship transport ?

 September 13, 2020 

A day of more questions than answers. I received a package from Japan today , a small protective envelope with some Japanese ink drawing nibs. It occurred to me that , again , I had no idea just what a journey this parcel would have taken to get to me . 

Are post parcels considered cargo? What determines if it travels by air or sea? Size ? Point of origin? Destination logistics? 

I am beginning to realise that this line of questioning is quite difficult to organise into coherent thoughts and avenues of enquiry. Where to start ? What lead to follow ? How not to get lost or distracted in the rabbit whole of information ?

Language and terminology are also proving to be an obstacle. I think a kind of ‘transport terms’ dictionary might be worth creating so I’d be able to actually understand the information presented. At times if feels like a foreign language, but I guess that is the same with any specialist field subject.

All for today ...

feel free to follow along my Cargo Transport Research Illustrated Journal on instagram

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