Saturday, September 12, 2020

How does Cargo Freight Move around the World ? Introduction


Cargo Transport - An Illustrators Research Study Journal

How do Cargo Containers Move around the World ?

A short introduction to this study project ...

How does Cargo Container Shipping Freight Move around the World ? A Journey of Learning begins

Slowly easing out of Covid lockdown, one thing that struck me as interesting during the last 5 months has been the sheer amount of logistics that must be necessary to move cargo freight to and from its destinations.

Having been extremely grateful to the many delivery people that expertly kept our family supplied with everything we needed to keep us going, it occurred to me how little I actually knew about where these items came from, how they got here and above all what kind of logistical feats were necessary to keep it all running smoothly in a crisis. 

The more I kept asking the less, I realised, I knew. 

And I don't like not knowing ;-) . Once I figured that I really had no clue, I decided to start to learn more.

Living in Britain, essentially most things that are not grown or manufactured here must ultimately be shipped onto the British Isles somehow.

Mainly, I found out, by shipping containers. These colourful metal boxes that seem to move by at the edge of my peripheral awareness but without ever causing much enquiry.

So how then does cargo freight stuffed into these containers move around the world ?  Where do these containers go and how they manouver ? Who loads and unloads them? Who is in charge of making sure that everything arrives where it is supposed to?

Coupled with a current project where I am asked to illustrate a variety of formerly unknown topics, this seems like the perfect opportunity to create a research study project illustrated alongside the newly discovered information.

So , all thats left to say is. let's go and and illustrated journey of learning begins ....

All for now
...  onward

feel free to follow along my Cargo Transport Research Illustrated Journal on instagram

Cargoexplorer Instagram

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